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Martha Rosler
Martha Rosler Library

Titulo: Martha Rosler Library
Formato: libro   
Idioma: inglés.   24 reproducciones en color
Impresión: offset 
Tamaño: 21 x 14.5  cm.
Nºdepáginas: 39                                                                                         Edición: indeterminada,  sin firmar ni numerar
Editor:  Liverpool Biennial of Contemporary Art, LTd / E-Flux. Liberpool,U.K.
Año de edición: 2008

PVP: 25 euros + gastos de envio  (6 euros en España)

Dirija su pedido a info@edicionesoriginales.com

"Martha Rosler Library was opened to the public by e-flux, in November 2005 as a storefront reading room on Ludlow street in New York City. Comprising approximately 7,800 titles from the artist;s personal collection, the Library has since traveled to Frankfurt, Antwerp, Berlin, Paris, Liverpool and Edinburgh.

This publication has been produced to mark the presentation of the project at Site in Liverpool and Stills in Edinburgh. It includes interviews about the Library conducted by Stephen Wright with Martha Rosler and Anton Vidolke and an essay by Elena Filipovic that place the work in the context of the artist's larger body of work."

- Liverpool Biennial of Contemporary Art

